Behind Gym Doors Book By Matt Hodges Review

Reviewed by Jo Hardy
In his introduction Matt tells us that this is not a book full of workout programmes or detoxing information etc , it’s a book full of true stories and real people he has worked with.
After graduating from university Matt started his working life as a graphic designer but soon tired of that and went on to become a personal trainer in the London studios before going freelance and becoming one of London leading personal trainers.
I wouldn’t know one end of a gym from another, it’s not something I’ve ever been into but I love true stories and this book had me hooked from the start.
There is a disclaimer at the start of the book saying names have been changed and locations etc have been tweaked a little. After reading the first part with stories about some of his celebrity clients I can understand why he had to do this. I had to keep reminding myself that these were true stories and all the time I was trying to workout who the celebrities were.
The book is full of characters and stories about Matts life working as a personal trainer. He has met some very interesting people and seen a part of life that most of won’t ever see. It really is an insight into another world. I found the chapter about the Russian business men very interesting.
We are also introduced to Matts best friends. He says they are the only two people he likes “Mickey the Danger Toddler” and “Man like Irish”. They crop up a few times throughout the book.
There is a section of the book devoted to fad diets and fad exercise machines and routines. The lesson to be learned from this is that sadly there are no quick fixes to losing fat.
This book also tells us a lot about how the fitness industry works, how personal trainers become qualified, how they get paid and what kind of perks they get. It probably won’t be what you think it is.
It also explores the complex and varied relationships between trainer and client. There are many different trainer styles and many different client personalitie. Sometimes they gel and sometimes they clash but it’s always interesting.
The book is very easy to read and perfect for dipping in and out of. The writing is full of what I would term as “lad speak” or “lad banter” and there is a generous sprinkling of f words and similar, not the kind of book to give to your granny but a perfect gift for any males that like to go to the gym or have ever had a personal trainer and all those men that you find so difficult to choose a Christmas present for, even if there not into the gym I bet they would enjoy the banter.
This is Matt’s debut book , published by MPH it is due for release on December 1st and can be ordered on
Rating: 4/5
RRP and buy link/s: hardback £10.99, paperback £9.99 . Kindle download £3.99