Home and Garden

STIHL Smart Connector Review


Reviewed by Mr_Taylor

It is nearly Christmas which means it is the time to buy presents and what better than getting a useful item for someone such as a STIHL Smart connector which would allow them to easily manage their devices?! I’ve got a few tools which require servicing and so I was intrigued to find out more about the STIHL Smart Connector. This little device (less than 5 cm diameter) is a sensor which can be mounted on any petrol, electric or battery-powered tool and then records the hours the device is on and operating for when connected to the app as well as prompting you when a device needs a service.

The STIHL smart connector arrived in a small cardboard box, half of which was taken up by a very large instruction manual which did scare me slightly! However on closer inspection it was so large due to being in many different languages and the English part was 5 pages, with only part of one page actually explaining how to prepare the STIHL smart connector for operation so that was fine.

The instructions manual says the first thing you need to do after installing it (or before!) is to download the STIHL app. I downloaded this app but then the first screen on the app told me to download the STIHL connected app to analyse, control and manage products. Luckily it was quick and easy to download this app instead and then all I needed to do was register. The manual also gives you several ways to attach the STIHL smart connector to your device (including via adhesive tape) but it does recommend having a STIHL authorised dealer install it.

Once the device is installed then the app is super easy to use and there is plenty of information as well as FAQ on there in case you get stuck. The STIHL smart connector and app are incredible if you have multiple devices and would like a clear and easy way to check the location they were used at and how many hours they have been used for. The cost is £21.99 and is for one smart connector for only one device. That means that if you have many devices you would need to buy a smart connector for each one to be able to manage them although if you do need to do this you can get a pack of 10 for £198 which would slightly reduce the price.

On STIHL’s website you will see the huge variety of devices they have including hedge trimmers, brush cutters and chainsaws which would all benefit from this sensor but they also have an updated Smart Connector 2A which provides even more functions and services for managing your devices.

If you know anyone who has several different STIHL devices or due to their work or hobby use STIHL devices often then this is a great present for Christmas! It provides a really detailed overview of the device and is very helpful for tool management. However if you only had one device then it isn’t really necessary.

Rating: 3/5

RRP: £21.99

This product can be purchased from STIHL approved dealers which you can find here: https://www.stihl.co.uk/dealers.aspx

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