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Interview – Hali Jafari From Hali Jafari Art And What The Fudge Co

Invisible To Influential is an inclusive business membership that helps you to get more visible in your business and make more money. 

All designed for neurodivergent brains, Maddy the founder wanted to help neurodivergent people in an easy to understand format. 

Every month you get masterclasses on things that will help you to grow your business, you get your content reviewed 4 times a week, tips on specific platforms to help you to grow. 

Discounted tickets to Visible Fest , Discounted 1:1s with Maddy, missions to help you to hit your goals. 

It’s £27 a month but for you as readers of What’s Good To Do you can use discount code “WGTD” and get 50% off making it £13.50 per month! 

You can cancel anytime. But the support you get within this community is unparalleled.

Now, here’s what lovely Hali Jafari from Hali Jafari Art and What The Fudge Co had to say…

How and when did your business start?

I have worked in creative industries all my life, starting out as a make up artist and then a cake artist before realising I just really love colours and brushes and creating beautiful things so I started painting during lockdown in 2020 and started selling my work. I also run another business called What The Fudge Co, where I get creative with fudge and brownie recipes, I’ve been running What The Fudge Co since 2021 and I love it! Making art and food are my thing.

In January this year (2024) after giving birth to my little baby boy, I really wanted to help other creative individuals make money from their talents so I set up as a Creative Business Coach and currently help people on a one to one basis to start their creative business using strategies that work for their particular creative skills.

What have been your biggest challenges in business?

I’d say getting over the dreaded imposter syndrome has been the hardest thing for me. I spent many years not making art because I thought I wasn’t good enough. Shifting my mindset into fully believing in myself despite my ADHD and mental health issues in the past has been the best thing I have done.

The other challenge as a mum is finding the balance between running a business and being able to take time to spend with my family without feeling guilty and vice versa.

What tips would you give to anyone thinking about starting their own business?

            1.         Figure out what you LOVE doing. Don’t waste time doing what you think you should be doing!

            2.         Ask yourself why you want to start your own business, the truth is when you hit roadblocks in your business, or life gets in the way or imposter syndrome kicks in, you are going to need to hold on to you ‘why’ so tight that you keep going. If you know your ‘why’ you’re less likely to give up!

            3.         Just do it! Honestly, just start. Take messy action, you don’t have to have it all figured out right at the start. It’s a journey of learning and if you keep waiting for the perfect time you’ll miss opportunities and may never even start and what a waste that would be.

What is the best thing about being in Maddy Alexander-Grout’s Invisible to Influential membership?

The fact it’s so easy to be active or watch from afar when you need to is amazing, as a neurodivergence entrepreneur I find I need to be in spaces where I can pick up or drop off when I need to, the membership is a safe space but also the value is insane!

Have there been any recent wins that you would like to tell us about?

Selling spaces on my first ever online course has been awesome. Also being a speaker for the first time at Maddy’s online visible fest was amazing and really helped boost my confidence in speaking.

Do you have anything exciting coming up that you would like to tell us about?

In January 2025 I will be running my first online art course, Abstracts Against Anxiety. It’s a 6 week course designed to help anyone struggling with anxiety or other mental health issues to work through their thoughts using the power of abstract art. It’s a game changer for those who are looking for a practical solution to help their mindset. And no, you don’t need to be ‘good’ at art to join us! You will learn everything you need to know to use the techniques of abstract art to help regulate your nervous system and improve your clarity and focus in life and business.

You can find out more about the course by checking out the following link…

Which activities do you enjoy doing in your leisure time?

Anything creative, mostly I enjoy trying out new recipes, spending time with family and friends and a good walk in nature.

Contact info:

You can find me on socials @halijafariart Contact me via email

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