Toys and Games

Eugy Models Review


Reviewed by Laura S

My 6yr old son was delighted when the EUGY models arrived. He loves making things out of a range of items but sometimes his creations are a bit abstract and I don’t want them lingering around for a long time. We had never seen models like these before and we’re excited to build. 

Each model had its own compact box with everything included to make the 3D model.  The completed models vary in size and easily fit in the palm of a 6yr old. 

The models arrived in perfect time for new home-schooling schedule following COVID-19 outbreak. I was relieved to have the models to add a different element to our home-schooling and a new craft activity. 

We received the turtle and sloth models to make. Win win! These are two of his favourite animals. Both models looked realistic in terms of shape and colour.

Inside the box you have everything you need to make the 3D model: model pieces, glue & eyes. Each piece of the model has a clear piece number printed on it such as L1. 

EUGY Turtle

The instructions are printed on the back of the box and are very easy to follow. At first, I thought surely it can’t be this easy and assumed we were doing it wrong. Pleasingly we weren’t. 

You start by inserting a tab through the first piece (pre- cut hole) and then build up one side first and then the other. Using the glue you stick the pieces together in numerical sequence.

Handy tips – we found is that you need a piece of kitchen towel to quickly wipe any surplus glue that might come out of the sides when you stick two pieces together.  Also, don’t put too much glue near where the tab goes in, otherwise it can be a bit difficult to pull it out at the end when the model is complete. 

The first model we built, I supervised heavily to check that he wasn’t going wrong but he soon got the hang of the process and built the second model himself easily with little intervention. 

We really enjoyed making the models at home. They look realistic and high quality. My son is very proud of the models he has made and is looking forward to showing family/friends. He wants to have a collection on display in his room. 

There are many different models to purchase from animals, dinosaurs, fish, birds and fictional characters such as mermaids. Something for everyone and I have already purchased two additional models to add to our rainy day activity box. 

The recommended age is 6+ which I felt was very accurate. The models took approximately 25 minutes to complete.

I love that the packaging and model are made of biodegradable card and printed with eco-friendly ink. The glue is non-toxic. 

My son said the best thing about the models are that they are fun to make and look really cool when completed. 

We thoroughly enjoyed making the models and recommend to anyone that loves creating. Not only are these models fun to make, look really cool and are also educational in terms of art & STEM. 

We give EUGY 5*

Rating: 5/5

RRP: £7.99

Available to buy from Brainstorm here.

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