Toys and Games

Chicco Red Bullet Balance Bike Review

Reviewed by Trish Bramhall

I was very pleased to be chosen to review the Red Bullet Balance Bike from Chicco as my daughter had been on the lookout for one for my youngest grandson, who is aged 2 years. But also as it was aimed at children aged 2-5 years it meant he could share it with his older brother, aged 5 years, hopefully have some fun together.

The parcel arrived and inside the box I found the step-by-step leaflet in 15 languages that explained how to put the bike together.

So  first of all I laid out all the items to check every part was there (there are 11 parts and a small bike wrench) before setting about putting it all together.

First of all really impressed with the quality of this bike – solid strong metal frame work in a deep metallic red colour and small puncture proof wheels.

It was pretty easy to put together. Just 4 simple steps, I just had to make sure I held it straight whilst tightening up the seat and the handle bars and position it at the height I thought I needed it to be for the 2 year old grandson.

The next day when my grandson arrived I had him sit on the seat so that I could adjust it a little bit for his height.

Now seeing as he’s never been on one of these before we began to let him have a little go indoors… This was quite amusing, as he began by not sitting on the seat just standing and walking along with his legs at each side, then sitting and wondering what to do next.

So my other grandson who is aged 5 years decided he should demonstrate for him, I had to adjust the height of the seat and handlebars a bit but this was very easy and quick to do, and then it was ready for him to have a go. 

The 5-year-old hadn’t been on one of these balance bikes before either, he was just use to going on normal peddle bikes with stabilizer until he was able ride without stabilizer. He found the balance bike pretty easy to use and enjoyed whizzing around and was having lots of fun.

But now it was time for little fella to start to get to grips with it.

So I lowered the seat and handle bars again and although it still took a little while for the youngster to grasp the idea that you sit down and move your feet I was starting to see that he would soon get it.

So the school holidays are here and the sun is out – time for a trip out for a couple of hours. The balance bike is really lightweight, so easy to carry whilst walking to our local park. Once there the 2-year-old got his helmet on and time for us to burn some energy and have some fun.

Crikey…! This is one way to keep Nanan fit! Power walking alongside the little fella, offering encouragement and ready to grab him if he wobbled a bit, but he did great.

It wasn’t until we was in the park that I realized how good the handle bars were, they are designed so that kiddies hands don’t go right to the end, therefore no trapped fingers or scrapping between the bike and the park walls (this nearly happened a couple of times).

Now unfortunately we can’t rely on British summer time weather and now this week as ended up being a very wet one. But the kids still need entertaining. So together we cleaned the bike wheels and went back to a few days of indoor practice up and down the hall way etc. hoping that the sunnier, if not dryer, days will be back very soon and therefore the kids can then go back to having fun on the balance bike outside again.

What I found great about the bike it’s very easy to quickly adjust the seat and handle bars to let different heights to have a go. But also to be fair after a few times I felt it was ok to leave at the height for the youngest one as he will be the one going on it the most…

So all in all, a fab looking, hard wearing balance bike that teaches the little ones all about balance. One way or another we will definitely be keeping the kids entertained over the holidays with the balance bike.

Definitely recommended.

Rating: 5/5

RRP: £34.99

For more information visit Available to buy Amazon here.

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