Toys and Games

ZhuZhu Aquarium Range Review


Reviewed by Amanda Dando

Zhu Zhu Aquarium range. This range of toys are for ages four years plus. I have to say when I was asked to review the items from the Aquarium range I had never heard of the brand, but wow what a game changer. My four now very grown up children always wanted all sorts of weird and wonderful pets or to look after the classroom guinea pig, it was always either cats or fish, no in between am afraid and needless to say, I’ve always kept my cats, not so much success with the fish!!

We have also tried fish with the grandchildren, also a massive fail. Oh my goodness, what a god send this Aquarium range is, ok I need a whole heap of batteries for the fish but wow these fish are not only easy to look after, they won’t need flushing down the toilet and replacing quickly before school finishes!

No mess, no water, no cleaning grimy fish tanks all a win win for any parent or grandparent. They are a flipping revelation, my new favourite toys, and let me tell you I am the bestest Nanny, the grandchildren absolutely adore the whole range. The starter set with one fish gives you your basic start up aquarium, there are decorative coral pieces, so your fish have something scenic to look at, along with a what essentially is a basic circuit for your fish pet to run round. It’s all very easy to put together and comes with some colourful stickers as well. There are six fish at present to collect, and they are all lovely brightly coloured and all different the kids particularly liked the nemo lookalike. They should not I might stress be used in water, so no bath time fun with these.

The absolute beauty of the aquarium range is the amount of addons you can get, so for someone like me with four grandchildren, three of which are all a similar age, with six different fish to choose from and the range of addons, no one is squabbling over anything, there is plenty to go around.

The bubble ball and surfboard set comes with a fish, one ball, stabiliser and surfboard. The kids loved it, giggling at the fact a fish can use a surfboard, loving the fish in a ball rolling around. Although the submarine set I do admit has caused some friction between the two boys, and would be their favourite, this set has a submarine, a tunnel, one connector and a ramp. They just love it, and definitely do not share. I think if she has to choose, my granddaughter would say her favourite is the speedboat and dock, this comes also with a tunnel, ramp and connector. She just hasn’t got bored of watching the fish launch into this. Lastly there is a Coral Reef Tunnel and Combo set, this includes coral pieces, a junction tunnels, turns a ramp and connectors. I would recommend this as an add on to the starter set.

The sheer imagination of toy creators these days never ceases to amaze me. My youngest grandchildren are nearly five and two nearly four year olds they have hours of fun already from this beautiful range, and have been busy telling all their friends they now have fish at Nanny’s house! It really does warm your heart to see children enjoying fun play, especially in these times of gadgets and iPads. This is a fantastic range of toys which I don’t doubt will provide hours of fun for quite sometime to come. Brilliantly made, very easy to put together and innovative. Brilliant!

Rating: 5/5
RRP Collectable Fish £12.99 each, Bubble Ball & Surfboard (inc fish) £22.99, Aquarium Starter Set £29.99, Coral Reef Tunnel Combo Set £24.99, Submarine Set £14.99, Bubble Ball and Surfboard (no fish) £12.99, Speedboat and Dock £19.99
These products can be purchased from

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