Billys Bootcamp Cardio Inferno Review

Billy’s Bootcamp
Cardio Inferno

Reviewed by Gavin Simmons

Tutorial option gives a good breakdown of basic techniques and form, it is very simple and easy to follow. In this section there is also an explanation of joint care, why you shouldn’t lock out your joints while performing certain techniques, which is something that needs explanation before you start.

Right from the off Billy Blanks is right there. One of the first things that he mentions right at the beginning of the workout is the choice that you have to break at any time for a bit of water, towel off or feeling a bit wasted towards the end. This will boost confidence in beginner’s right from the very start of the workout.

The warm up has a good series of stretching as well as other basic techniques to get the blood pumping. There is not too much focus on one or the other. This ensures that you are ready for the task you are about to commit yourself to.

Coming out of the warm up it continues on seamlessly straight into the main workout. This doesn’t mean to say that you’re thrown right in at the deep end. The work rate build up is progressive which will surely inspire confidence to keep going rather than being thrown into it which would ultimately end up with end users giving up because of burnout within the first ten minutes.

One of the things I did notice really early on with this workout is the nice slow down periods between the different sets of exercises. These little periods allow for people to take breaks should they need them at any time. This is a good feature as it allows people to take their time, take rest if they need it and then jump back into it when they feel they can.

This DVD features a good range of basic techniques which people of any level should be able to manage with minimal problems. There are no complicated aerobic style routines to try and get to grips with. This is good old basics 101. Tried and tested techniques twinned with high intensity makes for a workout that anybody, beginner or advanced, can get a good result from.

There is a good variation all the way through which will make sure that all body areas get at least a bit of a blast at some point. This will make anybody feel like they have had a really good workout.

All the way through the exercise is done at a slow pace first for a few counts and then they speed up to bring the intensity. This will allow users to get used to the technique and form before blitzing a set or two. This will allow beginners to ensure that they’re doing it correctly which will also boost their confidence and a more comfortable feeling to what you are putting your body through.

People from any background, discipline or sport could benefit from this workout. Its simplistic techniques lend itself towards complete beginners as well as the more advanced. The ability to work to your own intensity allows the user to push their own boundaries without being too worried about complicated routines which some users may find difficult.

Good and simple cardio workouts like this, which anybody could benefit from, are hard to find. I would highly recommend this product.

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