Interview – Abbie White From LoveScience & Mini Boffins

Invisible To Influential is an inclusive business membership that helps you to get more visible in your business and make more money.
All designed for neurodivergent brains, Maddy the founder wanted to help neurodivergent people in an easy to understand format.
Every month you get masterclasses on things that will help you to grow your business, you get your content reviewed 4 times a week, tips on specific platforms to help you to grow.
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You can cancel anytime. But the support you get within this community is unparalleled.
Now, here’s what lovely Abbie White From LoveScience & Mini Boffins (science clubs and activities for 3-11 year olds) had to say…
How and when did your business start?
My business started in 2013. I had been a secondary science teacher until then but my husband at the time got ill and I took on a caring role. We had just moved to Scotland and lived hundreds of miles away from all our family and had 3 young children and going back to full time teaching just wasn’t an option. During my time in school, I had always had a pull to work with primary aged children so this crisis provided the opportunity! I took on a couple of part time jobs that were really flexible but they didn’t pay enough so I started running some holiday science clubs to boost my income and they took off almost straight away so over the next 3 years or I juggled all kinds of things and in 2016, LoveScience was born in its current form and became my full time job.
What have been your biggest challenges in business?
My biggest challenge has definitely been trying to focus on my business while life carries on. During the time I have been running LoveScience, I have moved across the country twice, been through a divorce, remarried, become a granny and home schooled one of my daughters through her GCSEs due to her SEND needs. I have honed the art of adapting to my changing life and being strict with myself with work – which is tough because I am at my happiest when I am procrastinating!
What tips would you give to anyone thinking about starting their own business?
If you are thinking of starting your own business, I would say just do the first thing, make your first item, run your first class, do your first webinar – whatever it is. You don’t have to commit to it forever and it doesn’t have to be perfect but you have to do that first thing to start and it’s the hardest thing you’ll ever do! One of my favourite quotes is ‘you don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great’
What is the best thing about being in Maddy Alexander-Grout’s Invisible to Influential membership?
I am new to Maddy’s membership but it’s great because Maddy is so real which immediately puts you at ease and you don’t feel embarrassed about asking silly questions which is normally a big barrier for me.
Have there been any recent wins that you would like to tell us about?
I’ve had a great year! I franchised the business just before lockdown which was the worst timing in the world! It was terrible and when we came out of it, I wasn’t at all sure that I wanted to continue but I had a word with myself and restarted the franchise programme in February and over the course of this year we’ve grown to 5 franchise areas.
Do you have anything exciting coming up that you would like to tell us about?
We’ve got lots of things in the pipeline, some more secret than others but I’m looking forward to onboarding our new franchisees at the start of 2025, I’ve got some exciting collaborations with other STEM providers coming up and a big project that will have a huge impact on thousands of children that we are just waiting to get the final sign off for (and that’s all I can say about it!)
Which activities do you enjoy doing in your leisure time?
In my leisure time, I love to do yoga (sporadically!) I am lucky to like in the middle of nowhere so I spend a lot of time out walking. We also have 5 children and a granddaughter so much of my free time is spent giving lifts!
Contact info:
Facebook/insta/tiktok – @lovesciencehq
LinkedIn –