Babies and ToddlersToys and Games

Chicco Sensational Sensory Table Review


Reviewed by Amanda Dando

The Chicco Sensory Table for ages 10 months to 4 years brings a whole new meaning to sensory fun play for your child. I was excited to be asked to review this item as even just looking at it made me smile.

This cute Sensory Table came well packaged. It was extremely easy to assemble, you just had to insert the brightly coloured legs into each corner. Depending on the age of your child the table is equally useable without the legs, making it accessible for those who are not yet standing or toddling around. It came with batteries, which is a win win in my book.

We have babies five months, six months and 20 months, they all loved it! Sensory toys are so much fun and this is no exception. It should be called sensory fun table, the kids loved it. The table is brightly coloured with 5 activities. The rainbow coloured chameleon has multi coloured fur, V (editor’s note – name changed to initials) loves fur and would sit and stroke him all day, especially as when you touch the colours the centre pond lights up, changes colours and plays music. The pond in the centre lights up in a variety of colours with frogs and fish seemingly swimming around. There are three shapes all with different textures, when placed in the table they light the pond up with the corresponding colour and play a tune. Even for younger children the textures are fab and easy for little hands to hold. The caterpillar is possibly my favourite area of the table.

The caterpillar is in four parts, the red tab plays crickets and lights the pond red, the orange tab is frogs and lights the pond up orange, the green tab is baby birds tweeting and lights the pond up green, lastly the blue tab which is water and lights the pond blue. So many things going on here for your little one, sounds which make them smile and giggle and colours that keep them fascinated for hours. The melodies change to, so almost every push brings a surprise. Lastly the ladybird, pushing her brightly coloured wings together then pushing her head to open then caused countless giggles. It’s really has bought countless hours of fun. The pond illuminating is like nothing I have seen before and is very clever.  V (editor’s note – name changed to initials) loved the feel of it and loved pushing her hand on the surface. The table has so many textures lights tunes it really is a clever toy that any child would find hard to resist. It’s a lovely size which means you can take it with you when travelling for the older toddlers, it’s perfect for travelling and keeping them engrossed, there is so many different functions. Huge hit with our little people and with so many of them our only issue is we need more than one!

If your child is inquisitive this is the perfect toy for them. It’s a hit with us. Chicco have produced a sensational sensory sensation!

Rating: We would give 5/5 for fun and value.

RRP: £40.00

This product can be purchased from Argos here.

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