Health and Fitness

Feeling Unhealthy? It’s Time To Replace Your Vices With These Healthy Alternatives

It’s safe to say that in life, everyone has their vices. These could be stereotypically ‘naughty’ habits – such as always having the last chocolate from the selection box, or staying out much later than you should on a school night. But there are some vices that some of us have which are of an altogether more serious nature. These are the types of habits that are actually detrimental to our health in the long term, which devastating consequences for both ourselves and for our families. Most of these habits start in our younger teenage years, where we are seemingly unaware of any potential future dangers. The problem is that once we have picked up many of these habits, it can be difficult to stop them. Here are some of the most common vices that many of us struggle with in our lives, and how to break free of them.

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Poor diet

Our relationship with food can be a complex one that starts when we are very young. If you were brought up on an unhealthy diet, chances are you will be programmed to eat that way for the rest of your life. Or, maybe your parents fed you well as a child, but once you left home you became more reliant on convenience food. This way of eating can leave you with a whole hoard of health problems, and it can often be difficult to turn back the clock once these effects have set in. Even if you do not look overweight, you could still be suffering heart and gastric problems as a result of your diet. Starting a whole diet overhaul can be a daunting task, but the hardest part of it is starting – the rest should come naturally, with a bit of perseverance! Don’t set your goals too high initially, as you may just end up feeling disheartened. Gradually introduce new foods into your daily diet and try and make time to cook. You will soon start feeling and looking better too.


There isn’t really anyone on the planet who doesn’t know that smoking is bad for you. This habit can affect your heart, lungs, appearance and even mental health – often causing a premature death. The issue with smoking is that it is so highly addictive. Around 70% of smokers say that they want to quit, but yet they continue to smoke. Many smokers began taking up the habit in their teens, bowing to peer pressure, and feel unable to kick the habit without support. One way that people are starting to give up smoking is by vaping instead. You can take a look at this vaping beginners guide for more information on whether taking up e-cigs could help you quit smoking for good.


Alcohol is a huge part of our culture and for many people, part of their regular lives. We all know the risks of alcohol and how much we are supposed to drink – but for a lot of people, it can go far beyond that and become an addiction. If you drink every day and spend a lot of time thinking about when you are next going to be able to get hold of alcohol, you may have an addiction. Thankfully, there are many forms of specialist help available for alcoholics, so visit your GP as soon as possible. But you don’t need to be an alcoholic to be interested in cutting down your alcohol intake. If you feel like you are in need of a bit of a detox, stop bringing alcohol into your home. You may have got used to having a glass of wine with your dinner every night, but ask yourself if you really need it. You may feel better for cutting back on the booze, and that way you will start to view it as more of a treat.

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