Babies and Toddlers

Essentiel Vie Nappy Cream Review


Reviewed by Karen

Every new parent knows there are lists and lists of things you need to have in a changing bag from muslins to nappies to changing mats and even a change of clothes for those little accidents. One of the essential things I always have in my changing bag is nappy cream. I’ve never stuck to one single brand and always have a variety for one reason or another, so I was happy to receive the Essentiel Vie Nappy Cream to review.

The Essentiel Vie Nappy Cream is a plant-based cream which is suitable for new-born’s and is paraben and sulphate free. It is approved and recommended by Dr Nadia Yousri, Fellow of Royal College of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians, and has been developed by skin scientists and experienced paediatric professionals to combine high quality natural and organic ingredients to ease the pain of nappy rash and sore/inflamed skin.  They also included organic argan oil into the cream which helps to create a barrier to the skin to help prevent further outbreaks.

In my parcel I received a 100ml tub and on opening it my first initial thought was ‘this smells amazing’. It took me a while to work out what I was smelling as I couldn’t put a finger on one of the smells but it’s a combination of lavender and tea tree oil. The cream is thick without being sticky and has quite a silky texture when applied to the skin. It applies to the skin very well to create a thin layer on the skin. Although the instructions say to apply a generous amount I would say less is more as a little does go a long way, so you get your money’s worth.

I had a slight reservation when it came to reviewing the Essentiel Vie Nappy Cream as I did wonder how I was going to really see if this product worked if the children didn’t get nappy rash. Luckily (is it really lucky?) this week my toddler developed some nappy rash, so I was able to put it to the test and see how good it is.

When I first applied it in the morning, she instantly told me it was sore and cried. The parent in me went into mild panic mode wondering if I should have tried it first before putting it on the infected area but she soon settled down after a minute. Note to self – follow the directions which tell you to try it on a small area of the skin before you use it! From her next nappy change I could see that the cream was working and within a 24-hour period the rash had cleared up.

I’ve loved reviewing this product and it is certainly one I would be recommending to my friends and family. The texture and smell are amazing, and I found the price quite similar to some other leading nappy creams on the market. As you only need a small amount, I think this product will last a long time.

Rating: 5/5

RRP: £8.99

This can be purchased from Essentiel Vie here.

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