
5 Doggy Essentials

You finally have enough reasons to buy a dog. Your family has welcomed in your new four-legged friend and are overjoyed with excitement.  But, then that moment of panic sets in that you think you don’t have everything that you need.

Let’s look at some of the essentials that you want to make sure you are equipped with when your new friend joins your family.


The absolute first accessory you need to purchase for your dog is a collar.  There are hundreds of different kinds of collars available.  You can put your own family personality into the collar.  If you’re a sports family, there are plenty of sports collars.  But, whatever collar you do decide to get, you need to be able to fit two fingers side-by-side when the collar is on your pet to make sure it feels comfortable.  You don’t want it to be too loose that it comes off when walking the dog or too tight that it chokes him.


You will want to buy a leash that extends out about 4-6 feet.  Keep in mind that if you have a puppy, they are going to try to chew the leash.  You may want to get a chain leash if you fear that it will be chewed through.  There are many different styles of leashes available for your dog.  And, again, there are a large variety of leash styles available to suit your unique style.

Dog Bed

You want to instill very early on that your dog has a space of their own in the house.  If you are crate training your pup, your crate needs to be a safe place for them, not a punishment.  Your dog should feel comfortable walking in and out of the crate anytime that they want.  It is also important that you purchase a dog bed cushion for your dog to call their own. This is your chance to spoil the pup with a lavish resting spot.

Dog Food

There are endless amounts of options when it comes to dog food.  Find out the kind of food your dog was having before you picked them up so that you can keep it somewhat the same for the dog.  If you are unsure of what product to buy, talk to your vet about it.  You want to avoid buying the cheapest brands of food, but you don’t have to purchase the most expensive either.  Your local vet will have the best ideas for what kind of dog food will be best for you buddy.

Food Bowls

As with the collars and leashes, you will have the chance to purchase some creative looking dog bowls. They can be connected with dog bowls or separate.  They can go flat on the ground or be on a perch.  Consider again the age of your dog.  If it’s a puppy, they may try to chew on the bowls, so you’ll want to purchase bowls that are metal.  But, if they are older, there are plenty of bowls that you can find to somewhat match the decor of your home. 

There is so much that you can buy for your pup that it can seem overwhelming. Make sure you have these essentials to start and then you can build off that. Be sure to check out 17 essentials for new pup parents to see some of the extra accessories you could spoil your pup with.

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