Toys and Games

Tamagotchi Original AGE 8+ Review


Reviewed by Emily B

Those of us who are old enough all remember the mid to late 90s sensation that was the Tamagotchi. Everyone wanted one, many of us had one. First released in 1996, it was an alien virtual pet that you cared for outside of school hours praying it would survive at home, snuck into school, or begged a parent to babysit for you. The original Tamagotchi is housed in an egg casing with different skins to choose from. Back in the day there were far fewer options to choose from and I distinctively remember the pink clock design that I coveted. Since the 90s there have been ten of new generations and models with varying functionality and connectivity but with the Tamagotchi Original it’s back to its 1997 roots.

For the purpose of the review I was allowed to choose which design I wanted. I chose Starry Showers – deep blue glitter with gold lettering, a moon, and stars. I really love this design! While choosing I also really liked Ocean, Pure Honey and Festival so it was a tough choice. They all come with the classic ball chain for carrying or looping through your belt 90s style.

My Tamagotchi arrived packaged presented nicely and with instructions. Initially I thought I didn’t need them; after all, I am an experienced Tamagotchi owner. But it soon became apparent that I did need them for some things and I was glad they were included. My husband was slightly too old to have one as a child and didn’t find the options and buttons intuitive so they’re helpful for any new Tamagotchi owners. I did struggle with the fact that there were no instructions for how to silence the beeps of the button press and the alerts. I needed to be able to silence it for work! It was a simple question to google but it’s odd that it isn’t included in the instructions.

The generation 2 Tamagotchi has 7 interactions; feed, lights, game, medicine, clean, check stats, and discipline. The final symbol on the display is an alert that your Tamagotchi needs attention. For feeding the options are a meal or snack which are presented as a burger or cake. The cake increases the Tamagotchi’s happiness which is a little controversial for younger children and is telling of its 90s origins.

The mini game that also increases happiness is a simple game of higher or lower. A number appears on screen and you have to guess and press the button of either a higher or lower number. It’s easy for younger kids to play but as it’s the only game it’s quite repetitive and I did tend to resort to feeding mine cake. I found the discipline function a bit jarring in the modern day – another 90s dinosaur. The intention is to discipline your Tamagotchi for seeking attention when they’re fed and happy, or for refusing to eat. As a Tamagotchi ages there are different characters that you can get based on how well they’ve been looked after and how accurate your discipline was. My adult Tamagotchi was Kusatchi.

One 90s feature that was replaced for modern devices is that they no longer die. Instead, when it’s time they are taken back to their home planet in a spaceship which is much more appropriate for young children.

The Tamagotchi is suggested for age 8+ and a fellow reviewed with a younger child has previously reviewed this for What’s Good To Do. I don’t think there’s enough functionality for a tween or teen considering the technology and other Tamagotchi models that exist. It’s quite basic compared to most toys available. It does have more functionality than the Tamagotchi Mini which was released for the 20 year anniversary though. I think primarily it will appeal to younger children for its simplicity and also perhaps others my age who will enjoy it for the hit of nostalgia. But it is definitely showing its age nearly 30 years later. With themes of birth and the classic egg design a Tamagotchi would make a lovely Easter gift for those seeking an alternative to a pile of chocolate easter eggs.

Rating: 4/5
RRP: £19.99
This product can be purchased from Smyths Toys UK at

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