Rocky Horror Show At Kings Theatre, Edinburgh Review
Reviewed by Deborah Mackenzie
Oh, the memories of listening to the soundtracks on an old tape cassette! My eldest brother introduced me to them in 1975, at the age of 12 it was something taboo and exhilarating! The song, Dammit Janet became a firm favourite, one because it was like swearing in my young mind and two Janet is my late mother’s name. I still chuckle. I am sure most fans can look back to their first glimpse of this unageing masterpiece.
Upon entrance into the packed theatre, you could feel the electrifying atmosphere, many dressed in imitation of their favourite characters, the excited chatter hushed when the opening number Science Fiction/Double Feature was sung by the usherette (Suzie McAdam). It was energetic and set the mood for the show.
The Narrator, Philip Franks (Midsomer Murders; Heartbeat) was unflustered, straight-faced with the odd smirk as he offered many topical quips with reference to ‘partygate’, P******* A******* and P**** (editor’s note – names removed). From the beginning he maintained his control over the audience who constantly heckled and shouted out. This two-way performance, normally set aside for panto, was light-hearted and made us part of this weird but wonderful tale that was unfolding on stage.
The story is about a very strait laced newly engaged couple, Brad and Janet, returning home on a dark and gloomy night, when the tyre burst and the spare unusable. They remember seeing a castle they had passed and went to get help. Upon arrival, they are met by Riff-Raff played by Kristian Lavercombe; his monstrous gait and attire were similar to the movies portrayal. Brad and Janet are taken to meet ‘the master’ Dr Frank-N-Furter (Stephen Webb) and are drawn into his spooky lair filled with inexhaustible oddities, just in time to partake in his out of this world mad scientists unveiling of his latest extravagant creation: the ultimate male and perfect sex symbol, the fair headed Rocky. The unsuspecting visitors of the night, Brad and Janet, are introduced into a world of seduction and are overcome with their newfound feelings. Dr Everett V Scott (Joe Allen) arrives and is looking for his son Eddie, who Frank had killed earlier, but also believes that there are strange unworldly happenings going on. He wasn’t wrong, they are in a time warp, Riff Raff and his sister the strong Magenta (Suzie Mc Adam) arrive dressed in stunning silver suits armed with laser guns; the truth is exposed. It is a night that Brad and Janet will remember for a very, very long time.
Witness a grand visual of superb scenery and characters that transport you into a world of strangeness, where you can become part of a new dimension, time and space through much loved soundtracks, dances and participation. Audiences dancing in the aisles, even parents with teens (much to their embarrassment) and belting out the lyrics.
This was a night of laughter, singing and was a performance that will be hard to forget; the way the light effects, sound effects and acting, not to mention the audience who projected themselves into the show was beyond time and space. We were truly transported to a dimension long forgotten…
Note: This show has sexual references both visual and verbal
Rating: 5/5
This show is on from 21st February 2022 until 26th February 2022
Tickets cost from £21.50 and include a contribution to the Theatres Development Fund
Tickets can be booked online at Kings Theatre, Edinburgh | Tour Dates | Rocky Horror Show or you can phone the box office on 0131 529 6000