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Interview – Cath James Of Crystal Cath And Empath Spiritual School

Invisible To Influential is an inclusive business membership that helps you to get more visible in your business and make more money. 

All designed for neurodivergent brains, Maddy the founder wanted to help neurodivergent people in an easy to understand format. 

Every month you get masterclasses on things that will help you to grow your business, you get your content reviewed 4 times a week, tips on specific platforms to help you to grow. 

Discounted tickets to Visible Fest , Discounted 1:1s with Maddy, missions to help you to hit your goals. 

It’s £27 a month but for you as readers of What’s Good To Do you can use discount code “WGTD” and get 50% off making it £13.50 per month! 

You can cancel anytime. But the support you get within this community is unparalleled.

Now, here’s what lovely Cath James of Crystal Cath and Empath Spiritual School had to say…

How and when did your business start?

I initially started my Crystal Cath business during lockdown.  I took a crystal healing course and I was totally hooked by the incredible healing properties from these beautiful pieces that the earth had created.  Within 2 weeks I set up my business, I literally just started posting on my Facebook profile selling crystals.  

Over years of inner healing and multiple spiritual awakenings my initial crystal business has led me to discovering and living my Soul Purpose which is helping people with inner healing and discovering their soul purpose, helping them to remember their source of origin and to live their soul purpose.  

Due to this, I am now closing my crystal business and selling everything for 50% OFF.

What have been your biggest challenges in business?

Ah there’s been many lol, navigating the complex world of a spending addiction whilst running a solely product based business back then was very tricky to overcome.  I had zero support for business, emotional or financial support in any way.  This meant I made many, many mistakes, including not having a set ratio of splitting all income that came in so I could actually pay myself a wage and not reinvest it all.  Every month I would have to start from nothing, and whilst it was exciting like the hunt was on it was also incredibly stressful.  

Not having anyone to answer to or any kind of structure was always very difficult, left to my own devices my neuro divergent brain would get either completely distracted and overwhelmed or I would be hyper focused and be addicted to working.

What tips would you give to anyone thinking about starting their own business?

One of the biggest lessons learned only last year was business to business contracts have ZERO cool off period.  So NEVER sign up to anything over the phone, always take a day or two to think everything over first!

Just do it!  Take the leap of faith, enjoy the journey and do not focus on the end results.

Make sure you are splitting your income as it comes in, create saving ‘spaces’ and find out a ratio that works for you.  Eg if a product business then 30/50% goes into a saving space for your wages.  % goes towards tax & ni, % towards reinvestment.  Every business is different so play around with it.

If you sell online, even through social media – use a CRM software or even just a google sheet, to keep track of what clients have asked for or enquired about.  I have lost literally ££££s over the years from ‘forgetting’ to message a customer or follow up with them, even forgetting all the things they asked for.  It really is a game changer.

You don’t need a fancy website, a lot of the time you don’t even need any kind of a website, depending on how you want to run your business.

Facebook profiles and groups have way more interaction than a page so depending on your industry, you probably don’t even need one.

Really get to know your customers, build that report with them, become friends with them.  I still have some customers that bought from a previous business over 15 years ago, if they like you, they won’t care what business you’re doing or if it changes they will still support you!

Be yourself, you will hate trying to be this fake version of yourself or putting on a show and it will never last and people will know it’s not the real you.

Do set yourself measurable goals and targets and break them down.  Obviously you then have to take the steps needed but even if you don’t hit the goal, you’ll be a damn site closer than you would have been without it!

Don’t stress about punctuation, grammar, spelling mistakes and swearing.  YOUR ideal client will love you for who you are!  Anyone that doesn’t, well they aren’t your ideal client!

If a client/customer lets you down and doesn’t pay – DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONAL.  Your business is NOT YOU!  I know it’s easier said than done and I took it very personally for a long time, but when you do, it’s just making you feel worse and will make you question your entire business.

It’s not a personal attack when they say NO.  They aren’t saying no to you, maybe not even the product or the price.  It could be that the timing is not right – maybe they are swamped with work, poor health, unexpected bills etc.

You don’t need to buy all this specialist equipment or the best quality gadgets.  Your mobile phone for some will be enough!  I can run my coaching programs, holistic healing, spiritual development, admin and photo’s and videos with just my android phone! 

What is the best thing about being in Maddy Alexander-Grout’s Invisible to Influential membership?

Maddy is so down to earth, natural, genuine and her full authentic self.  She doesn’t hide any part of her personality and life, the ups and downs.  She ALWAYS takes accountability for her actions or choices.  She is an amazing support and has helped me numerous times inside her membership and even in messenger before I joined her membership.

Have there been any recent wins that you would like to tell us about?

I have just recently launched my Empath Spiritual School Membership where I help members to heal mentally, emotionally, physically, Mediumship Development, Spiritual Development and Spiritual Life Coaching, Card Readings, Mediumship and Psychic Readings.

Recently with a private client in her very first session of Past Life Regression, she experienced a spiritual awakening and we unlocked 9 of her many past lives!  

I had a brand new member attend a Mediumship Coaching Session that had never been able to connect with spirit before no matter what she tried; however, in her very first group session she connected with spirit!

Do you have anything exciting coming up that you would like to tell us about?

I will be teaching a class on Divination Tools at a Pagan Moot in the New Year.

Which activities do you enjoy doing in your leisure time?

I love spending time with my sons, Salsa dancing, making jewellery, diamond art, colouring, reading, listening to music, art galleries, watching comedians, being in nature, mountains – the beach, meditating etc.

Contact info:

@cathjamesuk on Tiktok

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