
Eggnogg Colour-in Super Hero Cape Review

EggnoggSuperHeroCapeColour-in Fancy Dress
Super Hero Cape

Reviewed by Sally Ellis

My 3 year old son isn’t the most artistic of children, but give him something that involves dressing-up and he’s instantly interested. The Eggnogg Colour-in Dress Up Super Hero Cape is a clever combination product that encourages the child to colour their own costume, cut out everything and then get ready for action!

The packaging was simple, folded into a small size and then plastic wrapped (important with a paper product that could get wet!) and posted to me within a padded envelope, so well protected.

We folded it out on the floor and broke out our pens and crayons. He’s not too bothered about how much he manages to colour, but he likes giving every crayon a go. We managed to create a lovely rainbow-coloured cape which actually included a good deal of grey – it’s one of his favourites, so who am I to argue.

Not only does this pack include a cape, but cleverly fitted onto the sheet of paper (it’s one large sheet, very space-saving) is a mask and wrist bands. This means you get the entire super hero wardrobe in one set, the full ensemble! My son relished the chance to do some cutting-out with the safety scissors and we then stuck on the Velcro dots to attach it to his clothes. These don’t work brilliantly with all clothing, but are a simple option that comes with the set.

I felt that this package might be more useful with some crayons included – perfect for a holiday activity or to take to the grandparents’ house. Saying that, what parent doesn’t already have hundreds of crayons, pencils, pens etc…? Perhaps Eggnogg realised this wasn’t really necessary and it would increase the price if colouring implements were added.

I did wonder if the cost of £9.99 including postage of £2.95 is perhaps a little pricey, but considering that this is for 2 sets, that’s quite reasonable to keep two little-ones busy for a day of colouring followed by saving the world in their individual outfits! They’re great for siblings to do together or your child and a friend. Eggnogg also offer combined postage when multiple items are purchased, making the cost more reasonable if you want to buy any of their other lovely designs.

My son thoroughly enjoyed the chance to make this one-of-a-kind costume. Considering I’m a terrible artist, this was an ideal opportunity for him to make something himself without my usual hindering aid!

Overall, this is a fun product that encourages creativity and use of imagination. Eggnogg have a wide range of items which seem suitable for a variety of ages and I’d recommend giving them a try.

Rating: 4/5

RRP: £9.99

Available to buy from Eggnogg here.

4 Star

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