
Auslogics BoostSpeed 9 Review

Reviewed by David Savage

Auslogics BoostSpeed is a small, but powerful, program that tunes and tweaks your PC for optimal performance with very little user interaction. It works with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP.

With every use of your pc or laptop it collects temporary files, cookies, remnants of old programs and lots of other rubbish that you do not see but also contribute to eating in to your hard disk space, taking up memory and overall slowing your PC down. This means regular maintenance of clearing your Windows temp folder of files, deleting cookies etc. which is all well and good if you know what you are doing and know where to look. Even if you are capable of doing it yourself, it can be time consuming. BoostSpeed is a nice little utility that does it all for you in a few clicks and much quicker than doing it manually.

Auslogics BoostSpeed will diagnose your PC for disk space, system stability, computer speed, system privacy, personal data and offer fixes and tweaks to increase performance. But is it any good? I was about to find out.

Downloading and installing took a few minutes (only a 15mb download). I was installing it on a laptop that gets used a lot for testing software so needed a good clean up. Once installed it automatically started a Diagnostics scan, followed by a System Stability scan and finally a Computer Speed scan. All 3 scans took no more than a few minutes to complete. This found over 1200 errors, mainly relating to disk space. After scanning and clicking the Resolve All button it freed over 800mb of disk space (saved me deleting the files manually) and fixed some speed and stability errors with Windows Registry. My laptop was reported as being in Fair condition, but changed to Good after the scan.

Once Resolve All is clicked, BoostSpeed:

Deletes Internet Browser cache files
Deletes MS Office cache files
Deletes application logs
Deletes temporary files
Deletes broken shortcuts
Deletes missing software entries left by uninstalled software
Fixes Registry errors
Fixes Internet speed issues
Fixes Windows speed issues


The whole process, from scanning to resolving errors, took minutes, so is very quick.

You can then run a System Privacy scan which is used to protect your personal information by cleaning up logins, profile data and other traces of online activity. It will also remove tracking cookies and any traces of adult websites (you may not have intentionally visited an adult website to have traces on your PC). Again, scanning and resolving only took a few minutes.

Another scan that can be run is System Advisor which, once completed, will give you advice on what issues could be tweaked (such as defragmenting the hard disk, adding more memory etc…) and gives you the option to select which ones you want to apply a tweak to.

The next option is Win 10 Tweaker. This gives recommendations for improving the overall stability, speed and security of your Windows system with tools for Privacy Tools, Visual Tweaks and System Tweaks. You only need to apply the tweaks you want to so have control over what it does. Tweaks include Ad Control (stops applications from using your ad identifier to serve your ads), Geo Tools (stops applications tracking your location) and much more.

Live Speed runs in the background (unless you disable the tool or completely exit the program) and is real-time performance monitoring and has tools to optimize memory and processor usage along with hard disk tools. These can individually enabled/disabled.

Browser Cleanup removes unwanted browser add-ons and toolbars, speeding up your browser so making your browser faster.

If that wasn’t enough there are a number of tools for PC maintenance that you can run individually:

Disk Defrag – this can speed up the hard disk
Registry Cleaner – this removes bad Registry entries
Tweak Manager – this helps manage tweaks and make the PC truly your own
Uninstall Manager – helps remove unwanted software and apps
System Information – gives detailed information on your system (hardware and software)
Service Manager – helps save system resources
Free Space Wiper – prevents data recovery of deleted files
File Shredder – secures data by deleting data securely
File Recovery – helps retrieve deleted files that weren’t deleted using a secure method (File Shredder or Free Space Wiper)
Startup Manager – helps reduce PC startup time
Internet Optimizer – automatically speeds up connection
Registry Defrag – compacts the Windows registry
Disk Doctor – monitors hard drive health
Disk Explorer – helps explore hard drive contents
Duplicate File Finder – helps reclaim hard drive space
Task Manager – helps distribute system resources
Manual Internet Optimizer – allows applying custom tweaks
Locked File Manager – lets you unlock files

Overall, I found Auslogics BoostSpeed 9 to be an excellent little utility. While I didn’t have so much wrong with my laptop that it was significantly slowed down it has saved me a lot of time in having to manually deleted old files and cookies etc. and reclaiming nearly 1GB of disk space. I regularly deleted my temp files folder and cookies etc. but a lot of people don’t, or don’t even know to do so, so eventually leaving them there will noticeably slow down your PC.

I let BoostSpeed run in the background from startup and didn’t notice it slowly down my laptop or stop me from being able to do what I wanted.

It has a whole host of automatic and manual tools that are easy to use, fast and will help keep your PC running in tiptop condition. With a price of £59.95 (approx. £45.50) it is a utility worth investing in. If you still not sure about it you can always try the free trial and see for yourself (Free trial lets you clean out junk files, enable several Live Speedup tools and run each of the 18 apps under All Tools once. License required for full functionality).

Simple, easy to use with an excellent user interface and is effective.

Rating: 5/5

RRP: $59.95 (approx. £45.50)

For more information, to try the free trial or to buy the fully functional version visit

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