EntertainmentFamily and Kids Board Games

Mr And Mrs Family Edition Review


Reviewed by Lisa

As a family with young children, we love spending time playing board games together and are always on the lookout for a new one to keep us entertained.  We already had the Mr and Mrs pocket edition and as we enjoyed it so much, we decided it would be good to try the family edition as well.

The format is similar to the pocket edition in that you have 3 rounds of questions – the first and last being about you or your partner, where you both write down the answer to a question and if they match you win a point.  The middle round is a paddle round, although in this family edition you can also chose the ‘It’s A Match’ round as an alternative, which is essentially a round of true or false questions.  The paddle round is certainly our favourite, where you sit back-to-back with your partner and for each question hold up a blue or pink paddle and see if you agree on the answer to questions such as ‘who is the best driver?’.  While it can cause some arguments, it’s always been in a light hearted way and we have learnt more about the other person and their opinions on you!  It’s always a tricky decision whether to go with what you think the answer is, or what you think your partner will say, in order to earn the point.  The true or false round are general trivia questions with 2 points awarded for the correct answer.  However, if you both get it incorrect you still get 1 point therefore if you think your partner will get the answer wrong, you want to match them as you won’t get any points if you get it correct on your own.  A lot of overthinking is required to win this game!

The good thing about the cards is that there are extra questions on the back especially directed at younger members playing.  You can choose which combination of questions you ask as well so you can pick ones that will work for your family situation.  We are excited to play this at Christmas with my extended family as you can also pair up mother and daughter, siblings, friends, or any other combination.  However, it is likely to get a bit tense when questions such as ‘who is the best cook in the room?’ come up…

The game is for 2 or more players, age 10+.  Our children enjoy playing this, but as they are a bit younger we have to be careful about which cards to select as they wouldn’t understand all the questions, whilst others are just not relevant for them.  We found the true or false round worked well for them as it was easier to guess an answer if they didn’t know.  While we have played this as a pair, I think it is more fun in a larger group, competing together as a couple to win, rather than just against each other.  It also means the paddle round can be played rather than just the question rounds.  There are over 1,000 questions included in the set, plus a few blank sheets for if you really want to spice things up with your own questions.  With a scoring chart and answer pads included, all you need to find to play is a pen.
Overall, I would definitely recommend this game.  Not only is it good value for money, it has made us laugh until we cry and can be played over and over again with different combinations and sets of people. It would make a great Christmas present for families and friends who like to laugh and are competitive to win!

Reviewed by Lisa

Rating: 5/5

You can buy it from many stores including WH Smiths and Amazon, for between £15-£20

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