Hair and Beauty

NOPE Into the Deep Shampoo And Conditioner Bar Home Set Review


Reviewed by J Wright

The founder of NOPE had a very personal journey into making the brand and part of that was noticing that she wasn’t happy either with the chemical components of shampoo and conditioning products, or the packaging they were in. This meant that the products were having poor impact either on hair or the environment, or both. This began her journey to create a product she felt happy with, using ingredients she felt happy would be contributing to healthy looking hair and without a negative environmental impact. Understandably, other people might be interested in such a product and no there’s NOPE products available in a range of scents and types for different hair. There’s also storage tins and drainage bars to keep your products in great condition.

From an environmental point of view we are assured that each bar of soap or conditioner saves the use of three 250ml bottles. Furthermore the products have not been tested on animals, the packaging is biodegradeable and the bars are 100% sustainable. OK, great, but does the product have such a bold claim?

I tried both in the shower last night. My hair was definitely ready for a wash so I could really tell the difference afterwards.

First of all I wanted to think about scent. Many of the products we use are created to have their cleaning properties but also have long shelf life, to froth with water, but not during transport, to remain consistent and so on, with colourants, surfactants and so much more. Often they are highly scented and for much of the purchasing public we like this! At first I was getting a stronger lavender scent from the conditioner rather than the shampoo bar. I was wondering if there would be any scent left on my hair after washing.

I got my hair wet all the way through and began lathering up. It took a little while – but remember my hair needed that wash, any type of shampoo tends to struggle on the first wash. So I rinsed and began again. This is also what is recommended on the website, washing away the dirt and environmental factors first. This time the lather came quickly and smoothly. It was easy to distribute through the roots of my hair and I like that a solid shampoo bar is really easy to push under my hair at the back. I have ridiculously long hair so it really helps. Now the scent came through really nicely and I was feeling confident that my hair would smell good once dry.

Then I tried the solid conditioner. Because there’s no lather to achieve it’s harder to know if the distribution of the product is thorough. I slid the bar down over my hair, covering the ends and mid-sections but it was hard to tell if it was there at all. I rinsed thoroughly and then wrapped it all in a towel. A little later I brushed and combed it as usual. The shampoo scent was really obvious. My hair was squeaky clean too and I was really pleased. However, it was hard to tell if the conditioner had done much at all. My daughter came into the room and immediately could smell the scent on my hair and identified it correctly. I like this. Not that I mind highly perfumed products but I like an accurate and identifiable scent if that’s what is described for the product.

The best part of all is that 24 hours later my hair is still soft and clean. A poor quality product will usually mean my hair needs washing again at the 24 hour stage. I’m confident I’ll get through another 24 hours yet too. The scent is still there, fainter, but still evident.

The website indicates that the shampoo cake should last for 80 washes and similarly for the conditioner bar.

There’s a list of ingredients on the website including lots of naturally advantageous properties to benefit your crowning glory.
Rating: 4.5/5

RRP and Buy link: Nope is fairly competitively priced but the free postage and packaging really helps make it a preference. Prices range from £9.00 per bar up to £39.00 for a set of six. It’s £20.00 for the Into The Deep Home Bar Set including a wooden drainage bar, a cake of shampoo and a cake of conditioner, as seen in the pictures. You can find the range here: nope. – the UK’s shampoo & conditioner bar specialist (

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