
Get 30% Off Joining/Re-joining/Renewing As A WGTD Reviewer Using Discount Code RF30HU

We are looking for people to join our WGTD Reviewer Community. Do you enjoy writing? Perhaps you don’t yourself but you know someone who does. We would be really grateful if you would tell them about this opportunity.

Use discount code RF30HU to get 30% off joining/re-joining or renewing as a reviewer. Offer ends 23.59 on 31/1/24. See for our ts and cs.

More info:

To use the discount code, please make a manual payment via Paypal to mentioning the discount code in the notes. If buying a reviewer membership as a gift for someone please mention gift in the notes. We then contact you with a unique code which you should pass onto the gift recipient. We do the rest our end.

Annual admin fee:

£27.99 individual using the discount code (£39.99 without)
£29.39 joint (share an allocation of reviews but can go out independently of each other on venue reviews) using the discount code (£41.99 without)

You would be welcome to join our FB group for reviewers on a temporary basis to see what goes on and decide whether to join:

Why do we charge the admin fee?
We charge the admin fee because of the admin time we spend arranging reviews and the fact that we do not charge our clients a fee for writing reviews. We do guarantee the admin fee paid in reviews, subject to reviewers being regularly active over the year. That said, we do not guarantee a particular type of review will be available.

How does it work?
Product(s)/experience(s) are gifted to a reviewer for the purposes of writing a review.

Want to check us out?
1. Why not look at our social media pages as some of our clients mention us when we review their product(s)/service(s). Theatres sometimes put quotes from our reviews on their marketing material(s).
2. You can read this month’s blog posts here:
3. Our company info – Toys and Clothes Limited t/a

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